Austin Discovery School is a community that welcomes parent participation at all levels! Whether it is through the ADS Parent-Teacher Organization or in response to a school request, parent volunteers help make ADS more effective towards meeting the needs of the larger community, and it is a great way to get to know other members of the community.
Fill out our Skills and Expertise Survey
Have any special interests or talents to lend to ADS? We will help match you to committees and volunteer opportunities where you can help the most.
Volunteer Log
Volunteer Logs how ADS gathers data to show parent support and participation. This data will help us determine which efforts are successful when we evaluate our volunteer opportunities each year. This data is also useful when applying for grants and approaching potential donors.
Ways to Volunteer:
Garden Owls - show up any Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. to help in the garden
Library Help - help catalogue books and beautify our library
Chicken Helpers - care for our chickens during the holidays
Community Days - stay tuned for monthly announcements!
And so much more…